
Change. We can think of this in so many ways. Like actual coins, changing our clothes, the change of the seasons and most importantly the change in people. At times we embrace change, and other times we are devastated at the thought of it.

We see a lot of change in our world today. It’s almost like watching something in slow motion but knowing it’s happening at a rapid speed. I’ve noticed friends changing, places changing and faith changing. I believe it happens without notice in some instances as the world around us changes, we adapt unconsciously to our surroundings. We forget the basics of happiness. We forget how to be kind. We forget how to trust in God. All because the world changes, doesn’t mean we have to.

Think of it when you are getting ready for church, work, any outing really. You put on your clothes and if something doesn’t look right, or if the pants are too tight and they feel uncomfortable-then you change. Quickly you select a new outfit that better represents either your mood or your weight or the attire of the event you are attending. Maybe your child came in the room and questioned your outfit and that made you change. Whatever the reason- you changed.

You have that option to change in today’s society. You don’t have to adapt. You can be the person you know God wants you to be. Be the bright light in a dim world. Trust God’s plan. Be kind to others in all circumstances. Help others, hold the door open for people, and help the neighbor unload the groceries. Little things in life we can do to rise above the changing world. As easy you change your outfit, you can change your attitude, your thought process, your response to others.

I think of Jesus. During Jesus’s journey he was met with trials and tribulations. We see in John 16:33 “I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” Jesus has gone out of His way not to just to make way for us to live eternally in His salvation, but to also make sure we are prepared to overcome the storms in our lives. I can hear Jesus saying, “TRUST IN ME.”

So I ask of you, my faithful followers, to please pray. Pray for the change you need in your life. Even if you are uneasy about change, it is what we need to overcome the storm. If you don’t pray in the mornings, start. If you don’t make it mass every Sunday, start. If you don’t pray for your children, spouse, or with your family, start. Invite God into your home and into you life. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, say a Rosary for someone who needs extra prayers and begin to change your mind set. Jesus’s journey wasn’t easy. This change won’t be either. You have to put forth the effort to receive the graces to come. If it were easy, everyone would do it. Oh what a wonderful world that would be.

Hugs and Loves,

The Lord is good to those who trust in him, to the one that seeks him.

Lamentations 3:25

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