Is the grass really greener?

We have all heard that saying “The grass is greener on the other side.” Most often people chime in with the second part of that saying; “Yeah, because it was fertilized with cow manure!” The point of this saying is to speak of envy and jealously. Yeah that grass may look greener, but you don’t know what it took for it to get to that point. Sometimes, the look isn’t worth the hassle.

I am reminded of Adam and Eve. I know we have all heard this story and have likely read Genesis enough times to know the outcome. But I think, here is the serpent. Someone who Eve didn’t know was necessarily evil or vindictive. Just someone that she started a relationship with. Someone that she listened to and tried to understand their reasoning. So the serpent convinces Eve that the tree of knowledge of good and evil that bear the fruit was good for you to eat. Eve isn’t sure because God already told her not to eat from it but here is that serpent saying “Well look at how beautiful and how luscious, something so wonderful surely can’t be that bad for you!”

We all know how the story ends. The point is that even though the “grass” or the situation or the person you are envious of looks perfect, plentiful, fruitful or even unflawed-doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong with it.

People. People have an odd way of showing their behavior. It often amazes me how jealous people can be. Now, will I say “I’m jealous” of a friend going on a vacation or about a coworker or family member getting the latest, coolest gadget or toy? OF COURSE! Am I truly jealous or envious of their life and accomplishments? OF COURSE NOT!

Do I know people who are truly jealous and envious? YES! It bothers me so much. Y’all. I can’t even deal. This is where my anxiety kicks in. I can’t stand when people complain about others success. Genuine, hard earned, atta boy, good for them success. Why be jealous? Why don’t you clap, cheer them on and call them and tell them how happy you are for them? No, you just complain. You feel bad about your life not measuring up to the level, or amount or the shade of green as the others. This comes in two parts:

  1. You really are dealing with a serpent and they are just trying to fertilize their grass with fake chemicals to make it look good on the outside when you know the soil is poisoned and will never grow lusciously without the help of the fertilizer.
  2. You are so unhappy with yourself and where your life is that you can’t be happy or cheer for others. The other grass is truly greener, because it was watered daily, nurtured, trimmed, and taken care of. Your grass isn’t like their grass and you don’t want to take the time or effort to grow your grass the healthy way.

Starting with the first part. Yes, there will be people in our lives that live this way. We all have those acquaintances that have to post on social media the best part of their day, their new toy, their love life story, the good grades of their children who you know do nothing but misbehave. We all have people like this is in our life. We know maybe their spouse is verbally abusive, maybe we know that they just lost their job but bought a new living room TV and likely paid for it with a credit card. Sure, it makes their “grass” look greener to the public. But as you dive deeper, you know it was fertilized to get that way. It is not true, pure, grass that God grows. What makes the difference is how you react to it. Often not we get upset, tell others about their fortune or misfortune in our minds. WHO CARES? If you spent more time worrying about your own grass, maybe yours wouldn’t be dying and you wouldn’t be needing some of the fake chemical fertilizer to help it grow.

Second part. You don’t water your grass. God created us unique in His own way. If we continue to read His word, be His hands and feet and put Him first, our grass will always get watered. Even when we forget to water it at times, there He will be, picking up the watering can and taking care of this for us. He knows how to keep your grass looking amazing, as long as you help take care of it, He will take care of you. We have to listen to what God wants us to do. Let go of the animosity and jealously towards others. Invest our time and effort into learning more about our walk in life with God by our side. Until we truly put that as our priority, we will never be able to even turn on the faucet to retrieve the water for our grass. Happiness comes in many forms, but the most important way to achieve happiness is to put God first and foremost in your life. Pray, give thanks, go to mass, participate in mass and serve others.

It is so easy to walk into your local hardware store and buy grass fertilizer right off the shelf. It saves a lot of time and achieves the same look in your yard as your neighbor’s. It does not achieve the same relationship with God. That my friends, is what we need to strive to accomplish. Once you put that relationship ahead of all others, you will be so involved in your faith journey, that you won’t have time to notice the color of anyone else’s grass.

Hugs and Loves,


 “Each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason to boast with regard to himself alone, and not with regard to someone else; for each will bear his own load.” Galatians 6:4-5