Christmas Cookies

As some of you may know, I am currently on “Stay at Home Mom Status.” Since I’ve been home I’ve decided to be more of a “homemaker.” So- I am watching this popular food channel with the oh so popular woman who is a pioneer and lives on a ranch make these oh so yummy looking chocolate cookies dipped in white chocolate with crushed candy canes. I am thinking: “Hey I could totally do that!” I know I have all of the ingredients except cocoa powder so I venture off the the grocery store the next morning to purchase the cocoa powder that ended up costing $153….

Anyhoo! I make the cookies and I read the reviews that some people thought they weren’t sweet enough and suggested dipping the entire top of the cookie in the white chocolate instead of half. I thought that was a great idea anyway and do that and top with colored sugar and present them on a Christmas plate and await for the taste testers to get home. I did taste one-that dropped on the floor- and I thought it was good! They arrive home and the threenager immediately grabs one because she loves anything with sugar and spits it out and tells me I can have the rest. Well you know 3 year olds don’t share very well so this wasn’t a good sign. The 14 year old ate all of hers, I think in a more polite fashion. The hubby ate all of his and flat out said “that was nasty” Insert HUGH SIGH.

I was so proud of these damn cookies. Like I didn’t even “break and bake” them. I mixed a dough and everything. My family wasn’t impressed and they truly showed it. Of course in true “I haven’t had social interaction in awhile fashion” I get upset and proceed to get my feelings hurt. Looking back I can laugh that maybe it wasn’t my best dish, but at the time I thought I was going to have my own baking show! In hindsight, the hubby realized his words weren’t carefully selected and of course I am not mad at him, but I’ve have been thinking about this topic for awhile and felt this “cookie incident” was a great way to start talking about it.

Perfect cookies for a magazine! LOL

Topic of the day: Empowerment

I struggle with this topic because I admit I haven’t always been the empowering type. I have been a “Negative Nancy” before and it made me a person I thought was great, and fun and cool, but in hindsight I was just a hot mess of a friend that was just trying to get more friends by being negative about the ones I had. Whew. I have never said that out loud. I was a good friend, to the wrong friends. I sat on patios and porches and restaurant booths and watched and listened to “friends” bashing others, speaking negatively and never once- not ever- stepping up for these people and defending them. I never even thought that I would be the “topic of conversation” when I was absent from these gatherings. I used to be a very naive, try to fit in type of person. Not anymore!

I wish I would’ve had a better relationship with God back then. I wish I would’ve talked to him about those conversations and asked for his help and prayers. Now we can’t live in the past, but we can always make for a better present and future. Here’s how!

Empower others. Empower your children. Empower your spouse. Empower your mind. Most importantly empower your spiritual life. Let’s take a minute to look at these individually:

Empower Others:

Yes, that means other people! You can do this very simply by letting others help you. If you are in a time of need, or if someone asks if you need help. Don’t worry about pride-swallow that and say “Yes I need help!” Empower others when they try to show you their abilities. Now if that person helps you let’s say by picking up a gallon of milk on their way home, do not complain if it isn’t the brand you normally purchase. Empowerment builds confidence. Surround yourself with others who have this confidence.

Empower Your Children: I think this is the hardest one personally. Yes that means to say “Yes!” more. I know it will take an extra 30 minutes to get dressed because the threenager wants to dress herself. Let her! She is building the confidence she needs to grow up to be a strong woman. Your kids ask to help in the kitchen? YES! Your 16 year old wants to drive and get practice? YES! Have your older children plan and execute a meal for the family. Add responsibilities you wouldn’t normally give them. Don’t you want your children to be prepared and feel confident as they continue to grow and make decisions? YES!

Empower Your Spouse: Okay maybe this is hard too. I am a “I can just do it myself” type of person. Acting this way will not empower your spouse. You need to let this person share responsibilities. Not just the household responsibilities, i’m talking mental and emotional responsibilities. Simply saying “What do you think?” Or actually taking their advice when you ask. Show your spouse that you value not only them but their mind too. Talk about a struggle you are having, maybe you are feeling emotional about the upcoming Christmas festivities. Allow your spouse to help you through this. Let them take the reigns in restoring your mental health. If you let them “take control” you might be surprised at how their confidence increases.

Empower Your Mind: Ladies this means you for sure. We are always in our own heads. Constantly reliving that moment of what we could’ve said different or what we wore and how it looked that night. STOP! Be confident in your decisions. Read material that is uplifting. Listen to music that puts you in a good mood. Say NO! And say it as often as your mental health needs. If you have to constantly worry about it, or go over it in your mind, then say NO. You are a beautiful person and the people you love and the people you come in contact with need the best version of yourself. That isn’t the overly anxious, constantly worried version-this one I’m talking about is one that is at peace. Someone who has a calm mind and can take on the day in a positive way. This will allow you to pick up on those conversations I talked about earlier. My mind was so defeated, I said yes to everything, I went to cookouts and places I didn’t want to go. I allowed this to consume my mind and clutter my peace, which I needed to think clearly. Now when I say no , I know it is the right decision- not just for my mind but for my family as well.

Empower Your Spiritual Life: One of the easiest ways I’ve done this is by listening to certain Catholic or Christian songs. There is something about music that just makes me feel so spiritual and “in the moment.” Go on an ACTS Retreat! Seriously just do it! Read devotionals, read your Bible, pray before meals, pray for others and most importantly-PRAY! Go to mass-like I always say- Yes, every Sunday. Whatever you do, just do something to “up your game” in the spiritual department. I mean Jesus died on the cross- surely there is something you can do to grow closer to God. My favorite thing to do is to talk to others about your faith. That doesn’t mean to start a debate. I find it better to talk to people you know have like-minded values and beliefs. Share spiritual stories, ask questions, learn more about God with a group of people. It is amazing what happens when God is the focus of your life.

If anything just be kind. My mother always said “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” I now know and understand this and the hurt it can cause when unkind things are said. Stand up for others when you can. Speak in a positive manner. Be confident in your decisions and words. Empower yourself to be the person God intended you to be. Don’t let others get in the way of the path He has laid for you. After all, the only person you have to answer to is the man upstairs.

Hugs and Loves,


Be strong and steadfast; have no fear or dread of them, for it is the LORD, your God, who marches with you; he will never fail you or forsake you.Deuteronomy 31:6


When you see the word “Freedom” many thoughts could be going through your head. Some may think military, constitutional or simply free from a certain relationship. The freedom I would like to talk about today is that of your worries and stress.

Topic of the Day: Have you truly set yourself free?

We struggle through so much in life. As a parent, you struggle through making the right decision for your children, as a spouse, you struggle to ensure you are providing the right needs to your partner, as an employee, you struggle to provide the right work capacity to feel accepted and valued. Let’s talk about work.

I am sure you are wondering why I have been MIA for a little while. The reason is due to the high stress job I had. There were things happening. Things that I didn’t even realize were happening until it hit me like a ton of bricks. I allowed a job to consume me and take me away from my marriage and my family. I allowed negative coworkers to radiate negativity in my life. Yes, I know what you will say, that I can create my own happiness and trust me I tried! My mood was chipper when I walked in the door but then it slowly began to fade away. When I returned home, my mood was known. Impatient, negative attitude mom here ready to lash out at any minute!

I didn’t realize that my behavior was so distinguised at home. I really thought I was covering my mood pretty well. Truth is, it was just sending me into a spiral of anxiety, stress and depression that no one knew how to help me cope. I reached out to my ACTS sisters to pray for me and my job situation. I know God has a plan, I say that to so many people all the time who are struggling, but why was this negativity the plan he chose for me? Well my friends, I now know and will tell you in a just a few.

I continued to pray and one day I was at work and the mood was negative, the responsibilites kept piling up and I was about to reach a breaking point so I emailed my husband and titled it “I just need to vent.” I thought surely this would make me feel better since typing out my thoughts normally helps! So there I began typing the words of my heart about this job, about the negativity, the under valued feeling, the impatient mom I’ve become, the depressed person I was creating all there in black and white. Whew. I felt relieved. I got it all out and I knew my day would be turning around. Until I got the reply email from my husband.

In my head before I opened it my OCD kicked in and I was already thinking of what he wrote. I just knew that he was saying “No, you are a great mom and this is just a rough patch.” Or “I haven’t noticed a change in your behavior baby, you are doing a great job, this too shall pass.” WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.

I began reading his words and they affirmed every feeling I had typed. He had wrote “Your lack of patience has not gone unnoticed.” Wait what? Like you, my husband, a man actually picked up on my emotional state? WOW. As it continued I just had tears streaming down my face. How did I allow this to be? What was I doing to my family? Was this job worth my family feeling this way? Short answer. NO.

The email ended like this- “I support you in whatever decision you decide to do, but why don’t you quit your job, take the rest of the year off and enjoy the holidays and our family and work on your happiness.” Thank you God. Thank you for the ton of bricks that just hit me that I needed to realize my complete insanity that was unfolding before my eyes. Thank you for a husband that supports me and my happiness.

That day I typed my resignation letter and turned it in that afternoon. I spent the next two weeks clearing out my office and my mind to prepare myself to give back to my family. The day I left my job I felt free. Free of the stress, the anxiety, the worry and the depression. The weight was lifted off of my shoulders. The money, the title, the work was never worth the feeling I felt that day. I can’t believe I waited so long to truly set myself free.

Now the part about God having a plan. Shortly after I resigned I was emailed for an interview with an employer closer to my home. I went in for the interview and it was amazing. God was there showing me the path he had laid out before me. This employer is Catholic (yay!) and has many values and beliefs just like mine. The warmth and love that I felt when I walked into this place was amazing, it was like God gave me a big hug and told me it was going to be okay. The better part? I got the job! The best part? It doesn’t start until the beginning of next year. This will allow me to enjoy my family, the holidays and work on me. God truly has an amazing plan for us.

Now I realize not everyone can just up and quit their job. Thankfully, my husband and I had some financial resources saved for an event like this and my OCD self already finished all my Christmas shopping so that expense was taken care of. If you are feeling a need to be set free, start working on you now! Take your time and update your resume. Start keeping your eyes open for jobs that will entice you. Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve. You deserve an employer that will build you up, appreciate you, love you and your family, and know that your presence is wanted. Keep looking and searching for this my friends, because I am here to tell you it does exist.

You only have once chance at this thing called life, do not spend it being unhappy.

Hugs and Loves,


“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17