God DOES give you more than you can handle.

I am one to always say “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” I can’t remember how many times I’ve said that statement to grieving friends, upset coworkers, disappointed kids and the public in general. One of my favorite songs is by Sidewalk Prophets, “Keep Making Me.” I recently heard this song on my way home from work this week, and well after a terrible week full of disappointments and anger I want to share this reflection with all of you.

Topic of the Day: Maybe God DOES give you more than you can handle.

You see I feel like the song speaks volumes of the way God shows up in our lives. The first verse is this: “Make me broken, so I can be healed.” Maybe that’s the point of doing God’s work. To become broken, to see yourself in a pile of a million pieces on the floor and know that you are not the best puzzle maker to put yourself back together. But you know someone who is, that’s right, God. So you bring yourself to him with all these broken puzzle pieces and ask for his help, let him be the glue in your life.

As the song continues, it goes on to say: “Make me empty, so I can be filled.” When we feel like we’ve given all we can give to our spouse, our family, our work, our daily routine…when we literally feel like there is nothing left inside of us to give. We are empty. We often push through and think, “Well God isn’t going to give me anything I can’t handle” and we keep pouring from an empty cup. But wait, maybe there’s a purpose? God made you empty, for a reason. He wants all of the negative, the stress, the overworked part of you to be gone…so He can refill your cup. You just need to be ready to ask for a refill. Maybe we are to be refilled with the Holy Spirit, to remember God’s gift for us. To renew our sense of faith during difficult times.

Continuing to the song’s next verse: “Make me lonely, so I can be yours.” Do we focus on too much of being in a group? Having tons of friends? Maybe we don’t get invited to the bbq, maybe our family hasn’t checked in, maybe our spouse is being distant. We feel lonely and we start to get depressed. Often we think, “What have I done wrong?” No my friend, you have done nothing wrong. God is making you lonely, he knows you need to turn to him. Trust in him. The verse continues:” “Till I want no one, more than you Lord.” Yes that’s it!! We’ve turned away from God, we haven’t put him first. He is showing us his loneliness through your loneliness. Talk to Him, pray with Him, let him become your best friend. You will see that sense of loneliness disappear.

The song’s chorus always ends with “Lord please keep making me.” So we say to ourselves, YES! Give me more than I can handle. Remind me of the ways I need you, God. Show me through the struggles my purpose in your life.

I hope this gives you a different perspective on what you are going through right now in your life. Whatever fears, anxiety or disappointment you may be feeling, remember: “Lord please keep making me.”

Hugs and Loves,


“Do not fear: I am with you; do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

I love God

I’ve come across many types of people in my life. Some good and some bad. I reflect today on the good ones. The ones that make a lasting impression in your mind, the ones that “get” you without having to go into too much details. Those friends who are likeminded and value you and your thoughts.

Topic of the Day: Becoming a great friend

I know I talk about friendships a lot and the reason is because they are important to me. A long time ago in a far away land I didn’t realize this. Now, I do and I want to share my thoughts with y’all over and over again. You see I have recently been acquainted with a friend that I’ve spent time with a handful of times. She is caring, compassionate, and loves God. How do I know she loves God? Because she says so! No, she didn’t introduce herself and add “by the way, I’m in love with God.” She shows her love for him in her thoughts, in her words, in her actions and her stories. I can tell she is a Godly woman just by her personality and grace she shows others, even people she doesn’t even know. This right here is the type of friend I want to be. This is the type of friend I want to have and keep.

We have lots of friends in our circle. Some we tell all our deepest, darkest secrets…some we only share the good parts and some we only share the bad chapters with. My question to you is why? Why are we picking and choosing what parts of our lives we share with our friends? We should be able to share all of it-the good times and the bad, the happy and the sad. Not just the parts that make us feel good in the moment. Maybe we seek sympathy, empthany or we want to “one up” someone. This is not the way it should be. You should not want to be this type of friend.

I feel like God has shown me this new friend for a reason. I feel like he is showing me this path in my life that I am totally ready to walk down. You see, I’ve started this book about women and saying yes to God, and then our homily in church today was about keeping Christ in your life. Keeping Christ alive and not letting anything get in the way of that. I think God (and our wonderful priest) is telling me to not be afraid. To put God first in my life. To show others not just through my words, but my actions, my grace, my mood, my smile, my laugh, my tears…to truly show my friends that I am here to do God’s work. I am here to walk His path.

I am going give grace to others, maybe when they don’t deserve it. I’m going focus on keeping Christ as the center of my world. I am not going to let the nitty gritty bother me. So what you don’t want to come to my party? Oh well. So what you didn’t call or text back? No bother to me! So what you only call me when you need something? At least you called! The attitude you have and SHOW is what will make the difference. Literally think to yourself…what would Jesus do?

Do not be afraid to talk about your love for God. Not just verbatim- but truly talk about your worries and fears with your friends, become vulnerable to the fact that God will lead you through it. Have faith and keep that light bright. Every night before I go to bed I say my prayers. I always start it off with “Thank you God….” and I list all the things I’m thankful for that happened that day. Maybe it was a crummy day, but when I lay my head down every night it forces me to think about what I am thankful for. What were the wonderful things that God put into my life that day that I didn’t give enough attention to? What were the moments that I overlooked because I was being impatient or frustrated?

Be the friend you know God would want you to be. Let’s focus our week on putting Christ first. Put Him in front of everything else and see what happens. Before you respond to a text or return a call…imagine God sitting next to you, watching you, listening to what you are about to say or reading what you are typing. Sure we will have bad days, we are going to get angry and our feelings will be hurt, but how we respond to these emotions will speak volumes to our character and of course, our love for God.

Hugs and Loves,


“For God did not destine us for wrath, but to gain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep we may live together with him. Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11