A New Year Ahead

As we approach the birth of our Savior, there are so many emotions coming into play for me. All of this, this entire year, is coming to a close and did I do what God had intended? Were there times I chose to ignore His path to create my own? Did I speak to others in a way that Jesus would approve of if He was listening in on the conversation? Did I make Him proud? The reality of it all is that I know there were ways I could be better. I know there are things I could’ve done differently. After all, we are all sinners. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been sitting in the confessional more times this year than I was the year before. We tend to focus a lot on our physical health and financial goals for our New Year’s Resolutions. Join a gym or save a certain dollar amount per check starting in January, but what about our spiritual goals?

Now, more than ever, we need to shift our focus. We need a reset in our spiritual life. Anytime is a good time to do this, but starting the year “on the right foot” is always a goal everyone wants to obtain. I’m not talking about making a checklist or going to church a certain number of extra times per week. I am talking about you and your relationship with God. Where is it? Does it exist?

A long time ago I would think of church in a different aspect than I do now. Honestly, it was an inconvenience and something I did if I felt like going or getting up to go. That’s what happens in our younger adult years I guess. We fall away from the church, we think there are better ways to spend our time and we don’t have anyone to make us go anymore. It is super easy to not do something because you know your parents or superior can’t make you. It’s almost like you stick your tongue out and say “I’ll show you how much of an adult I am and I’ll do whatever I want.” If my relationship with God was stronger before I became this whiny young adult who thought I could conquer the world, I know I would be making leaps and bounds in my now middle adult life. Why am I telling you this? I want you to focus on the relationship not only you have with God, but your family has with God. Young kids, pre-teens and teen-aged kids all need you to help guide the way. If God isn’t your leader, then the path is going to be rocky and scary.

Raise these babies up in a way that you know from birth, their relationship with God exists. That it is wholesome and oh so good. That you continue to put God first, before yourself, your marriage and your children. Show them how to pray and ask for God’s mercy. Teach them to pray for others. Sing a Christian song with them. Read to them, with them and let them read to you. You don’t have to start with the Bible, any book is fine. Point out ways in that book that maybe God is present. I know certain books my five year old reads, I’ll mention ways that God wouldn’t approve of that behavior or God likes when we are nice to our friends. Whatever you do, just make sure you invite God to do it with you.

Even if you aren’t a parent, or if your children are grown and on their own, there are still ways to improve your spiritual life. Easily, just do something extra. Don’t put a number to it or a time limit on it. Just do something more than what you are doing now. Maybe that is praying before meals or praying before bed. You could read a devotional in the morning instead of social media. Buy a spiritual book, there are tons of authors who have encouraging things to say about our relationship with God. Start singing one song at mass if you are one who never sings. You can see there are a lot of little ways to improve our relationship with Him. How can you get to know Him better if you don’t talk to Him, read about Him or sing about Him?

Once you have figured out your spiritual goals for the New Year, keep them to yourself. That’s right, don’t tell everyone! There is something very spiritual and special that happens when you give all the glory to God. It is Him we are trying to please anyway, not your followers on Facebook.

The times ahead are going to be tough. I know these past two years have been hard on everyone. If we don’t prepare ourselves with the armor of God, we are not going to be able to face what lies ahead. If that scares you, then I did what was intended. It should scare you. Hell it scares me. We can’t continue living our lives not the way God intended. We are going to find ourselves in a terrible situation. Not just us, but our children, grandchildren etc. Think about social media, phones in general. The tools that our children have available in hand to fail miserably. The temptation from Satan everyday staring at them in the form of an app. What’s the right age to have a phone? I have no clue. My five year old has tablet that is locked down like Fort Knox. I believe though, if we are building our relationship with God and putting that as our focus, there won’t be time or room to misbehave on social media. If we are truly doing everything in our power to prepare our homes, our minds, our hearts and our families, everything will fall into place the way God intended for you.

As we approach Christmas Day and the start of the year 2022, let’s reflect on our lives and challenge ourselves to do more, to be better. Stop with the hustle and bustle of the holiday and find a quiet space and grab a pen and paper. What has God blessed me with this year? What ways has God shown up for me? What ways has He not? Did I show up for Him? If not, what did I do that prevented me? Take a look at the answers to these questions. Thank God for the blessings He has bestowed upon you this year. Talk to Him about the things that didn’t work out. Ask Him to help you be better at showing up. Pray and pray hard my friends. Let’s prepare for a joyous New Year with a new spiritual beginning. Like the old saying goes, “When life gets too hard to stand, kneel.”

Hugs and Loves,


“For while your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, I want you to be wise as to what is good, and simple as to what is evil; then the God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” Romans 16:19-20

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