You’re In My Prayers

Have you ever said those words to someone? Maybe you haven’t…or maybe you have texted those words or even wrote them on social media. The thing is, are we following through?

Topic of the day: Prayer

I feel like there has been an influx of people in my life needing prayer. Maybe I’m just more aware of this now… Nevertheless, I find myself telling others “I will be praying for you” or “You are in my prayers.” But when we say we follow through with the prayer? Do you actually stop and solely focus on that person or that topic needing your prayers and kind thoughts?

I admit this, my answer is no. Well at least I haven’t in the past. I would just say it to be nice, or say it because what else are you supposed to say when you find out someone has passed away? My friends, we need to upgrade our prayer life. Don’t say you will pray for someone unless you truly intend to pray. Thank God for the blessings you have and pray for the ones that you know are struggling. Quit making prayer your “to do list of requests” and make it more about your relationship with God and your relationship with others that you know need your prayers.

Why? Because prayer will change you. It will change the way you feel, the way you think and they way your heart heals. Prayer is a powerful tool that we are able to use in our faith journey. Have you ever heard it’s like praying twice when you sing? Yes, maybe that’s true or maybe that’s just an ole folks tale. But singing God’s graces help open your eyes and heart to hear God’s word.

I get it, I get it…I hate that our church is trying to act like the Protestant churches and I want a more reverent mass! Those of you who feel this way need to get with the times. Young folks, ya know the ones who will continue to grow the church, need us to sing. They need church to stimulate them. Yes, I know that you can be a strict parent and force your teen to sit in mass and be quiet because that’s what you had to do as a child. But do you take their phone away? Did you buy them a gaming console? If you want your kid to act like you when you were growing up, then you have to make ALL of their surroundings mimic your childhood, not just church. Church doesn’t have to be boring for them, you need to participate in mass… FULLY participate in mass. Sing God’s graces and show them that it isn’t embarrassing to be a participant in all aspects of mass. Pray for your children and with your children. Make it known that when you see a church member struggling and you say “I will be praying for you” that you follow through. Stop what you are doing and pray.

The biggest influence I can make in life is doing what I will say I will do. This is important in building relationships with others and teaching our children the correct values in life. A man of his word is worth far more these days then anything monetary. So please, talk to God. He wants to hear from you, he has big plans for you and wants to hear how things are going in your life. Pick up a devotional and try to read it everyday. Pray a rosary once a week. Utilize an app on your phone to listen to the rosary or other prayers if you can during your morning commute. The world is changing, technology is making our goals easier to achieve and the world needs all the prayers we can give.

Hugs and Loves, Ali

“With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit. To that end, be watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the holy ones” Ephesians 6:18

Here or There

Nowadays it can be easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of life. Sometimes I find myself wondering if I’m going or coming. Either way I embrace this craziness of life with a term I like to use called “controlled chaos.” But did you ever think that maybe just maybe life could be easier at times if we were “present” for others?

Topic of the day: Being Present

As a mom my mind stays 90 to nothing all the time. I constantly think about the future, the finances and most importantly the food I have to prepare. Sometimes I wonder if my mind would settle down had I help. Not talking hubby help we already discussed that..see blog post “For your not so helpful…” What i’m talking about is that village that others say it takes to raise kids. Where is it? Did we buy a house in the right town?

Now don’t get me wrong, we have friends, we have friends that are like family but a village? Not even close. I can remember going to my grandparents house for WEEKS during the summer. Like seriously. WEEKS. I was always there with my cousins. All 6 of us together in a tiny home. I felt like my parents were punishing my brother and I by shipping us off to Grandmaw’s. Yes we had fun, yes they spoiled us, but there was something about going away from home that always gave me a red rear end! Boy if I knew then what I know now.

I feel like these days we aren’t present in our families, espeicially extended family. I am sure there are exceptions to the rule, but for me this is a topic I always struggle with. My dad’s family lives all over the place out of state. It seems like the only time we can get together is for a funeral or a wedding. My mom’s family lives mostly in state with the exception of an aunt that lives in Illinois. I took my family to Illinois over the summer to visit her because I need to be present. But why haven’t I seen the family that lives 2 hours away? I just don’t understand. I will go weeks, probably longer than that without seeing my mother. WHY? No one I tell you and I mean no one cares to make an effort. Or be inconvenienced. There’s that village. It is there my friends, we just have to figure out how to be a part of it.

Sometimes it is like the grandparent that does more for one grandkid than the other. Why are we picking and chosing who to be present for? Can’t we be present for all?

I don’t know. I’m not going to beg anyone to be present in my life. But simply showing up, grabbing a broom and being present might be all someone needs in the moment. People are prideful and they will never or rarely ask for help, me being one of those people. However, I am smart enough to witness when someone is in need or when someone needs me to be present. Maybe that is a listening ear, maybe that is an invitation for supper because I know your week has been hard and cooking for your family is going to be a struggle or maybe just maybe it is remembering a special moment and sending you a quick text to let you know I’m thinking of you or I’m praying for you today.

I totally blame my need to be present and have people present on my church family. That right there is a village. A God loving, be there if you need, no questions asked, faithful, caring village. There are many church family members that I speak to daily, some that always check in, most that I see at least twice a week. Truth is, I see these people more than my own family. Well the other side of that truth is that they are my family. They are not replacing my family but they sure are filling the voids that I have in my heart and in my life.

I here you yelling at me- “The door swings both ways Ali!” Yes it does. I do truly make an honest effort. I’ve called, texted or even attempted to make plans. There is only so much begging or turned down invites I will handle before I simply scratch you off the list. I do not have the time or energy to keep up with those people who do not want to be present. Because the ones that do, stay on the front of my mind and continue to be a part of the life I’ve wanted for myself- A no drama, faith filled, out pour of love type of life. I want to surround myself with people who are like-minded. I do not want my children to HAVE to be a part of someones life. Baby you are there if someone wants you there, its called being present.

Think of it this way. God is present in our lives everyday. He is with us, beside us and watches over us EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Man, that’s a lot of effort for him to be present in our lives. Think about how awesome it would be if we were present for him? Pray for your families, show up at mass, be present in your faith journey. What would happen if God wasn’t present one day? I hope to never find out. But I will continue to be present for those who I matter to and for those who matter to me.

Well how do you get to be in one of these church villages? That is the effort made from you. Yes you who is reading this wondering where you will watch the football game this weekend. The one who is writing your list for your routine Saturday grocery shopping trip. You my friend, need to make time for your faith. If you can plan to go to a cookout for a few hours to watch a football game, you can surely plan to go mass for one hour. Get to mass, pick up a bulletin and read the tons of help needed. Pick a ministry to serve in. There are ministries that take little effort and those that require lots of effort and more in between. Help the youth by purchasing a raffle ticket, volunteer to make something for the bake sale, sit by an elderly person at mass and assist them if needed. The quickest way to build your church village is to attend and ACTS retreat. Yes, there is a blog post about that as well! There are lots of things you can do to be present in your faith. Imagine how awesome your faith would be by giving your presence while in his presence. Your heart will be filled, you will walk a little lighter and you will have a positive out pour of that love and care that you know your heart needs right now. I feel ya, life is hard, it is exhausting really, but if we surround ourselves with those who want to be there, make life easier and be present, we will always end up on the path of righteousness.

Hugs and Loves, Ali

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence do not rely; In all your ways be mindful of him, and he will make straight your paths” Proverbs 3:5-6

I don’t believe in Confession

As Catholics, going to confession is part of the gig. However, there are many Catholics that don’t “believe” in going to Confession. Why do I have to confess my sins to a priest? I can just tell God my sins and be done with it. That is true, but my friends, you are totally missing the point.

Topic of the day: Confess is BEST

Before I go into this I have to tell you a funny story about confession. So the other day I message one of our priests about scheduling an appointment to bring the family to confession. The confession times at church aren’t always favorable, so people, you have to make accommodations. Just like when you schedule a hair appointment, or find time to go to grocery store, your priest can help you find time for confession. Anyway! We all go to church (including the threenager), meet priest, sit in pew and start the process. While the 16 year old was in the confessional, our three year old was getting anxious. As i’m thinking of my penance and reflecting on my confession, the 14 year old is telling the 3 year old that “This is God’s house so we need to be quiet, respectful etc.” They go about this conversation for awhile and as the 3 year old makes her way through the pews and is looking around she says “Well if this is God’s house where does he sleep?” Trying to not laugh and seeing how serious she was, I never gave her a great answer. The 14 year old said he sleeps upstairs and the remainder of our experience was spent with her looking up trying to find God’s room. Please feel free to share a good answer with me!!

Back to Confession. Why do I have to do this? In James 5:16 it says that “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” This right here is saying that God wants us to confess our sins to one another. In John 20:21-23 it says- Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”  And when he has said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy Spirit.  Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” This is showing that Jesus is giving his Apostles the “power” to listen to sins and forgive those who confess to them. It is not saying “Sit on the couch and tell me everything you did wrong.” Clearly the pathway is being laid through scripture to provide us with a way to confess our sins. And if Jesus set up this pathway, why should we detour and try to go another route?

Yeah yeah so what? I don’t like going to Confession, I think it’s pointless and I can achieve the same thing saying my sins in my head to God as I drive to work. Truth is-you can’t. You will not receive absolution. You will not see the humility in your sins. If you simply confess your sins in your living room, you may not be as truthful with yourself as you would be through the Sacrament of Confession. Simply put, why do something the way God didn’t intend?

It is hard to say things you did wrong out loud. Maybe you think the priest will judge you. Maybe you haven’t come to terms with the sin itself. Maybe you have swept that sin under the rug for so long you can’t even sift through the dust to find it. It’s okay. Take your time. Write your sins down-I do! Go in with a list. Ask questions if you get stuck on what to do. There are many pamphlets and how to guides available online and at your church. Do a good Examination of Conscience. You can even download an app on your phone for this. You will feel better, and remember the priest is “standing in” for Christ. You are confession your sins THROUGH the priest not necessarily TO the priest. Priests treat this sacrament in a very sacred way, and we should also do the same.

Please remember that you should not be receiving the Eucharist at mass unless you are in a “state of grace.” This means that you have not committed any mortal sins. You may be thinking murder, adultery etc. While yes those are mortal sins so is missing mass for no good reason or getting drunk on a Friday night. This is why the Sacrament of Confession is important. You are receiving the BODY OF CHRIST, please don’t receive unless your soul and YOUR BODY is in a state of grace. It is disrespectful and not the way God would have intended us to receive him.

My last thought for you is this: I realize that there are things about the Catholic faith that we may raise an eyebrow to or not fully appreciate or like. The thing is religion is not a buffet. You can’t go down the line with your plate and scoop a little bit of Baptist, then take a piece of Pentecostal and then add some extra Methodist to the top. You are Catholic (or whatever religion you are) and you must fully practice and believe it in it’s entirety.

Hugs and Loves, Ali

“If we say, “We are without sin,” we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing.” 1 John 1:8-9